The structure of a course

  • Updated

Themes or Chapters

Many courses are structured in themes or chapters. These themes or chapters provide more structure to the various assignments within a course. Usually, there is no specific order in which the themes must be completed. However, sometimes the themes need to be followed in a particular sequence. When this is the case, a theme will be locked with a "lock" icon, and a certain number of XP must first be earned in the previous theme.


Under the progress bar, you will see several assignment cards. For some assignments, you will see icons indicating whether it’s a group assignment or, for example, an assignment that can be done at home. You can also see how many XP you can earn with the assignment.

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When you click on an assignment card, it opens.


Assignments – Content

When you open an assignment, you can read what you need to do and begin working on it. We use different types of assignments on the platform. For most assignments, you’ll need to be actively engaged. These assignments typically look like this:

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The assignment starts with an introduction, where you can read what you will be working on. The introduction is often supplemented with a video.

Next, you’ll receive instructions on what exactly you need to do for the assignment. These instructions are broken down into various steps. Sometimes, an assignment consists of multiple parts. For example, the assignment above consists of two parts. In each part of the assignment, you’ll need to go through different steps.

To complete the assignment, you must often submit a file. This is often a written report where you have answered some questions. In addition to a report, you may also need to submit a video, audio recording, images, or another type of file. In this way, you build a portfolio, which you can later use to demonstrate that you’re ready for the final assignment. Your coach will assess your assignments before you can take the exam!

For some assignments, you will first be given a piece of theory to read. To see if you’ve understood the theory well, you will then need to answer a question about it. This could be, for example, a multiple-choice question or a drag-and-drop exercise. These assignments typically look like this:

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Assignments – Grading

Immediately after you submit an assignment, you automatically receive the corresponding number of XP. Your coach is also notified that you have submitted the assignment, and they can then review and grade it. During the grading process, your coach can approve or disapprove of the assignment. If the assignment is approved, it turns green, and you get to keep the XP. If the assignment is disapproved, the XP will be deducted from your progress. Your coach will provide feedback on the disapproved assignment so that you can improve it.


Completing the Course

Your coach decides when you have completed a course. In many cases, you will then take an exam. In this case, your coach will review a sample of the assignments you have completed. If your coach believes you are ready, you may participate in the exam. Other courses can be completed without an exam.

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