Archiving participants

  • Updated

Are there participants in your list who have already completed their course? Once you no longer need to actively assess a participant but his or her results should remain visible to you, you can archive them. In case you have archived a participant by accident or they start participating actively in a course again, you can also dearchive them. In this article we explain how to use this functionality. 

1.  Archiving

 By archiving participants you can separate them from other participants that are currently actively working on a course. Once they are archived, they will appear underneath a separate section within the course. Below you will find a step-by-step explanation on how to archive a participant.

1. Go to the course in question and click 'Participants'.

2. Select the participants you would like to archive, by checking the box next to their name on the left.

3. In the bottom part of the screen you will now see an 'Archive' action appear, among others. Click on it.

4. You will now see a pop-up screen with information about archiving. Click 'Archive' to archive the participant(s).

5. The participant has now been archived.

6. You can find the participant again by clicking on 'Filter' to the right of the search bar, and then selecting 'Archived participants'.


2. Unarchiving

It may occur that you have accidentally archived a participant. Or a participant who has worked on a course in the past, becomes active again at some point. In that case, you would probably like to unarchive the participant. Below, we explain how to do this step by step.

1. Go to the course in question, click on 'Filter' to the right of the search bar, and then select 'Archived participants'.

2. Select the participant(s) you would like to unarchive, by checking the box next to their name on the left.

3. In the bottom part of the screen you will now see an 'Unarchive' action appear, among others. Click on it.

4. You will now see a pop-up screen with information about unarchiving. Click 'Unarchive' to unarchive the participant(s).

5. The participant has now been unarchived and will appear back into the regular list of participants.

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