On the learning platform, participants can follow courses that have been carefully curated by us. These courses consist of one or more learning sets based on the associated qualification profiles. Our learning sets are updated annually.
It's possible that as a coach, you may want to customize the content of a course to better align with your schedule or the nature of your organization. You can opt to personalize a course.
There are two ways to modify a course, with one being more involved than the other.
- When editing a learning route, you only change the sequence of assignments and incorporate conditions. The content remains the same. You can learn how to edit a learning route in this article.
- When editing a learning set, you have the freedom to determine the content of a course entirely on your own. Your participants can then choose this learning set to follow your customized version of the course.
Please note! The existing learning sets have been carefully curated by us as publishers. These sets comprehensively cover a qualification profile and optimally prepare participants for an exam. If you decide to create your own learning set and modify the assignments, we as publishers can no longer guarantee the quality of the educational material!
Creating your own learning set
To create your own learning set, start by viewing the assignments of the standard learning set that serves as your starting point. It's advisable to use the latest standard learning set for this purpose. Next, click on 'Edit Learning Route'. Then, click on any assignment. The platform will prompt you to give your own learning set a name. In the name of your custom learning set, include the name of your organization or your own name, and optionally include a year if you plan to offer a new learning set annually. This way, your students can immediately see which learning set they should choose.
Then, click on 'Copy and Edit'. A copy of the original learning set will be saved under the name you created.
- Please note! The title cannot be changed afterward. Therefore, only use years if you plan to create a new learning set for your students annually! An outdated year can cause confusion.
You can now begin modifying the content!
Customizing your own learning set
Once you have made a copy of a course set, you will enter the course editor. Here, you will see all the assignments from the copied course set listed one after another. The course set is still exactly the same as the original. At the top of your screen, you will see an option to choose a layout. You can learn more about this in this article. You can switch between layouts at any time, but it's best to choose one layout and consider this when further organizing the content.
When organizing your own content set, you can choose between subdividing into chapters or a 'flat' layout without deeper structure. Subdividing into chapters can provide more structure for your participants but may not always be necessary, especially for smaller course sets.
In the left image, you see a standard course set, while on the right, the same assignments are organized into chapters. Even if you keep the assignments unchanged in content, it can be worthwhile to create your own course set.
If you opt for a chapter-based layout, it's best to first add the chapters you want. Then, drag the assignments to the appropriate chapters by grabbing them with the mouse at the six small dots you see on the right side of each assignment. Afterward, you can drag the chapters into the correct sequence.
You can also choose a component-based layout. You add a component the same way you add a new assignment, theory card, or quiz, which we'll discuss later. With a component-based layout, you cannot add existing assignments to a component; you can only create new assignments within each component. This approach is mainly suitable if you want to rebuild most assignments from scratch.
Please note that you can no longer add new elements to your learning set after you have published it. Therefore, only publish the learning set when you are completely satisfied! After publishing a learning set, only minor changes can be made, such as replacing a link.
Editing an Existing Assignment
Do you want to modify an existing assignment? Click on the title of the assignment or on the gear icon, then select 'Edit Details'. You are now viewing the assignment in edit mode. Here, you can modify the text, add or remove content blocks, or (under 'Edit Details') adjust the assignment's XP value.
Don't forget to click 'Save' when you're satisfied with your changes! Otherwise, you will lose your modifications.
Adding a new element
If you want to change the entire layout and perhaps add new assignments yourself, start by clicking on 'Add Content'. Then, a sidebar will appear where you can choose what type of element you want to add.
Here, you can first choose whether you want to add an assignment, theory section, quiz, or subject.
- An assignment consists of an introduction and often multiple parts where a participant follows steps to submit a file.
- Theory usually consists of a piece of text that the participant must read, possibly followed by multiple-choice questions or drag-and-drop exercises.
- A subject was mentioned earlier. It's a kind of category that falls under a chapter, where assignments could be grouped under. So, imagine if there was a chapter about Spanish cuisine, 'tapas' could be a topic, for example.
- A quiz is an interim test that you can use to assess your students' knowledge.
Editing details
When adding a new element, you can fill in details such as the title of the assignment. You can also choose a thumbnail, which is the image seen when viewing the overview of all assignments in a course set. Finally, you can select several properties and badges:
- Requires a computer: If the participant needs a computer for the assignment, you can check this option.
- Suitable for distance learning: If the participant can complete this assignment at home without needing to go elsewhere, you can check this option.
- Requires a meeting: If a (classroom) meeting is required for the assignment you want to add, check this option.
- On the job site: If the assignment you want to add is carried out in a location other than school or home, for example during an internship, you can check this option.
- Is a checkpoint: If a certain assignment is particularly important, or you want the participant to complete it to meet certain requirements, you can check this option.
- Is an interim exam assignment: If you want to assess participants with an assignment during the course, you can check this option.
Content Templates
Are you adding a new assignment? In the editing mode, you will see the screen below. Here, you can choose from various content templates for your assignment. By using these templates, you don't have to build the assignments completely from scratch; instead, you select a layout that suits how you want to present the course material. If you still want to create an assignment from scratch, choose the blank content template.
You can find a detailed explanation of content templates right here.
Assignment layout
Whether you're editing an existing assignment, using a content template, or creating a completely new structure, when working with the course editor, you'll eventually come to organizing your assignment. For convenience, let's look at an existing assignment.
Every element of the assignment is editable. You can modify the text, delete or add blocks. When adding blocks, you have a variety of options to choose from. Once you do this, you'll see the screen below where you can select the functionality you want to use.
- Callout: This adds a kind of warning to the assignment, something participants should pay extra attention to. You can choose an icon to indicate the callout and add text.
- Expandable Content: If you have a long text in an assignment, such as a case study, you can use this functionality. Participants can expand or collapse the text.
- Tabs: This allows you to organize information into tabs that participants can click through.
- Paragraph: Add a paragraph when you need to type additional text.
- Group: Create a new group where you can include other functionalities, like a paragraph.
- Slider: Use a slider when an assignment card needs multiple parts. This is the block type where you can click 'next.'
- List: If participants need to make a list or enumeration for an assignment, adding a list can be helpful.
- Title
- Image
- Drag and Drop Question: This is also known as a 'drag and drop exercise.' Students can make combinations of certain terms and definitions by dragging them.
- Drag to Sort Question: With a drag to sort question, you can add an assignment where terms are dragged into the correct order.
- File Upload: If participants need to upload a file created in another program, such as Word, it's important to add a file upload at the end of the assignment.
- Multiple-Choice Question: In a multiple-choice question, a participant can select only one correct answer.
- Select Choice Question: In a select choice question, a participant can select multiple answers.
- Open Question: When adding an open question, you have the option to fill in a fixed answer or specific words that must appear in the response. This is not mandatory.
- Open Question (Multiple Lines): Similar to an open question but allows for a more extensive response.
- Video
- Card Widget: The card widget can be used when participants need to make a list with different elements for an assignment.
- Columns: If you want to add a table to an assignment, using columns can be a useful feature.
- Audio
- SCORM Package: SCORM is a standard for electronic educational content. If you have course material delivered as a SCORM package, you can integrate it into your course set.
- HTML: Integrate HTML elements to enhance the design of your course set.
When you click on 'Details,' you can change the same settings you filled in when creating an assignment (check 'editing details'). This includes the assignment title and how many people will work on it. Under 'Qualifications,' you can check which work processes and knowledge and skills from the associated qualification file relate to this assignment. Under the 'Support' section, you can add tips for participants to complete this assignment and comments for the instructor. Finally, you can enter the XP amount and change the layout.
Once the assignment is complete, click 'Save' and then 'Close' to return to the overview of all assignments.
Activating and deactivating learning sets
Is your learning set completely finished and ready for use? Then you can publish it. A learning set will by default be on the 'concept' status. When you select the set in the course you have created it in and click on 'concept' you will also see the options 'live' and 'archived'. Choose 'live' to to make the learning set visible for your participants. From that moment on, they can see the learning set as well and enroll. Choose 'archived' when you want to stop any new enrollments to the learning set. New participants won't see the learning set any langer if you do so, but for participants that have already enrolled it will remain available.
Frequently asked questions:
Can a student switch between learning sets?
Technically it is possible, but we would advise against it. When a student switches between learning sets, all progress will be lost. This is due to the fact that assignments can differ in the different sets. -
Can I also share my created learning sets with colleagues?Kan ik eigen opdrachtensets ook delen met collega's?
Unfortunately you can't do this yourself, but our support team can arrange this for you. You can contact them via support@brainstud.com.
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